
Depending on how you know me, you either call me Chooi, Je, Je Qin, Jeq, or Jay. Or jeqcho. If you don’t, I am eager to meet you and see how we can make great things happen.

Maybe you don’t know me and came for the red buttons, or to stash toilet papers. I know, the Internet is weird.

Or maybe you came to stalk me. That’s fine, just remember to give a like or follow.

I host my hobby projects and blog here on chojeq.com. Try to hack them, or let me know if you have any new ideas. Everything here is released under MIT license, except for this super important thing.

I value feedback as a way to grow and better serve my friends, family, and community. If you know me, feel free to share your thoughts here. You can stay anonymous, but if you let me know who you are, now or sometime in the future, I would love to treat you to a meal as a thank you!